Manchester City 21-22 DLS Kits and Logo
Dream League Soccer 2019 for the game, you can make your DLS Kits and DLS Logo preferences by selecting from our site. Manchester United one of the DLS Premier League teams, can download home, away, alternative and goalkeeper kits(forma) from our site and download them via your mobile app. The prepared kits are designed by our team and aim to ensure that you get a better game and football pleasure. Click here for DLS Kits URLs of Premier League teams.
Manchester City 21-22 DLS Kits and Logo
Manchester City DLS Logo
Manchester City DLS Kits – Home
Manchester City DLS Kits – Goalkeeper
Manchester City DLS Kits – Goalkeeper 2
Bir önceki yazımız olan Manchester United 2021-2022 DLS 19 Forma (Kits) and DLS Logo başlıklı makalemizi de okumanızı öneririz.